Friday, September 10, 2010

Imagine this!

Imagine that after years of working hard in your field, based around a through education, you find yourself homeless. Not only homeless, but trying to provide for your five your old son, who is sharing the adventure  (or misadventure) with you.

Imagine that all of your "friends" and acquaintances, that you have helped many times before, suddenly don't recall your previous efforts on their behalf, thus are not overly enthused to repay the favor. Also as in the mix, that close family (like a spouse for instance, as well as her family) could not only be concerned about you, but could not even be concerned about the child (or children) that are also involved.

Suddenly, the days fade into one non ending stream of disappointment, ambivalence, and depression, as you wait for the nightmare to end. Spending your evenings, longing for the days of yesteryear, when the future seemed full of hope and adventure. Followed my the morning and afternoon hours waiting for the day to close out, to fall into a restless sleep, all to start it anew the next day.

Mix in a very bad economy, a lack of a support group and a struggle to wonder where relief is going to come from, and you are now living my life.

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